

Liver and Spinach

Even though most of us have been taught that the above-mentioned foods are necessary and healthful, we usually show little enthusiasm when they are set before us. Most folks would probably prefer a hot dog and a Coke. But the wise eater usually goes ahead and partakes of the things that he does not actually relish for the sake of his health. Would it not be wonderful if we could be as wise about our spiritual health?

Even though we have been taught that all of God's word is necessary for our spiritual nourishment (1 Peter 2:2; 1 Timothy 4:6), observe our frequent reactions to the "liver and spinach" of the word. I am talking about sermons on "giving" (ugh!), "attendance" (yuk!), "the need for brotherly love (gag!), etc. On the other hand, one cannot help noting the obvious relish with which we receive our favorite "gospel entrees": "Hell-fire and damnation" (ahhh!), "skin the false teachers" (yum!), "Plan of salvation" (seconds please!), etc.

I do not mean to ridicule any of these Bible subjects. I do, however, want to encourage all of us to partake of a well-rounded diet of Bible teaching in order that we might be sound (healthy) in the faith. Some subjects may indeed be more disagreeable than others. But they are necessary, nevertheless. Those doctrines which seem less palatable to us may be just the things we need to make us strong and invulnerable to spiritual disease.