


Among the characteristics of love, as described by Paul in 1 Corinthians 13:4-5, are the following: "…love is kind…" and "…love doth not behave itself unseemly." One word which might summarize the ideas here expressed would be "respectful." Love carefully considers the feelings of and effect it is going to have upon others. Christians, above all other people, ought to be kind and respectful in their words and actions. Disrespect is a contradiction of these principles of love.

There are a number of ways, obvious to all, in which disrespect is shown. However, it appears that some of us manifest disrespect without intending to do so. Perhaps we have just not stopped to think through the implications of our conduct.

I am talking in particular about conduct during the worship services. The nature of some public, secular gatherings is such that we would rarely think of being disrespectful. For example, on such occasions as a wedding, funeral, graduation assembly, or other serious gathering, few of us would ever think of clipping our fingernails, popping our chewing gum, passing notes or, especially, getting up unnecessarily and stalking out of the assembly before conclusion. To act so "unseemly" would bring upon our heads reproach and social disgrace. Yet, all of these disrespectful practices are seen, from time to time, during our assemblies to worship and serve the Lord. It apparently has not even occurred to some of us that our shameful conduct is distracting, offensive and completely out of place in an assembly of God's people. Think about it!